Our Core Principles.
We believe in the mineral, that’s why we aim to raise awareness about it and its origins.
To connect consumer markets across the globe to our resource and its unique context.
To be a leader in our industry, and to set the standard for quality and authenticity.
To inform the world about where the mineral is found and the truth about the industry.
Our Function.
Our company’s function is to curate, craft, and sell products that are made from Himalayan crystal rock salt. The collective was founded on the principle of being the most credible, and verified source for this mineral.
Our Productivity.
We conceptualize, design, and bring to the market a variety of products from Himalayan crystal rock salt. From edible salt for human consumption to feed for animals, decorative products, and wellness products. Our resource can be used to service several markets and supply-chains.
Our Origins.
The founders of the company travel to the Salt Range in Pakistan. A shortage in world salt supply and a transition to more organic and healthier products, leads to the founding partners of the company to begin a 2 year global market study.
After a preliminary study of the global markets, the founders design a strategy that will stretch far into the next decade. A plan to create vertical markets that are supported by a reliable operational structure. Ground work teams are deployed to the mining region in Pakistan, and the blueprint for a global project is finalized.
Miracle Saltworks Collective Inc. is activated, and registered in Wisconsin, United States. Operational entities are also formed and activated in Pakistan, and China. The company begins it’s work to create a global infrastructure. A facility is developed in the United States, and global partnerships are structured.
A strategic cooperation agreement is signed between the company and the correlated governing entities in Pakistan. The company also signs agreements in China. Extensive market and industry acceleration studies are conducted by Miracle Salt.
With an operational backbone complete, extensive knowledge about the mineral, an understanding of the industry and the market, Miracle Salt enters the market with its first production. The company forges a new market in its American region, with products in hundreds of stores and online consumers during Covid-19.
Our Standard.
There are hundreds of companies that claim to be the best supplier of “pink Himalayan salt”. However, this resource is no longer subject to the supply-chain tactics that have allowed it to be misunderstood in the Global Market.
Our company is dedicated to raising the bar and setting the standard for the industry. For much of the last decade, this resource was stripped from Pakistan, and taken to “middle-party” companies that added the value to the mineral outside of Pakistan.
These companies have done this relieving themselves of any liabilities and responsibilities to the home of the industry. With the help of new policies and country-wide effort, these entities will no longer be able to benefit from this resource without doing their due part to help the industry grow in a vertical manner.
We Build It.
Our approach is different, our company is dedicated to building an infrastructure that allows us to perform the best in our industry. We do not mimic our competition, we focus on building from the ground up and this allows us to retain the our unique approach towards the industry.
We Grow It.
Our philosophy is to then to purse the market with complete dedication and aim for the sustainable growth of our business. We do not focus on anything other than our own vision, and work beyond the reach of any saturation of the market.
We Give Back.
Our founders intended for us to focus on the communities that make their homes in the Salt Range of Pakistan. The 7 year growth of industry has done nothing to improve the living standards of the communities that mine this mineral. Our collective will be unveiling our Miracle Foundation this year, in efforts to manifest effective social responsibility projects for the current and future developments of the mining community.