Salt Rooms.

What is a Salt Room?


Salt therapy, better known as halotherapy, is a holistic method that recreates the microclimate of a salt cave experience. Salt rooms offer individuals a treatment which involves breathing in dry salt aerosol in an environment where the walls and floors are covered by layers of salt. Halotherapy can relieve and treat symptoms of various respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and allergies. It is also claimed to ease smoking-related symptoms, treat depression and anxiety, and is beneficial for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Salt rooms take health & wellness to entirely different level and remain a top spa trend.

How We Build Them.


We manufacture the raw material, or “salt bricks” in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Our company partners with independent and licensed contractors, home developers, and designers. We utilize concepts and then materialize them with our partnering entities. We have the infrastructure to support and develop projects on any scale.

Salt Panels.

Inquire Here.

Himalayan Crystal Salt Spa’s are constructed using specific raw material requirements, with a versatile frame and lighting process. We provide all the required services to construct your Spa room, or even your “Salt Wall”.

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